Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 17 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

I Take the Christ Way to Fulfillment

"When Jesus said, "No man cometh unto the Father but by me," of course, he meant the I AM.  This I AM, then, means the inner Reality of every man's nature, and when we stop to figure it out, how can we come unto God, the Living Spirit, except through the avenues of our own consciousness, which is the only approach to God we could possibly have?  It is another way of saying that the only way we shall every approach Reality is by uncovering the Divinity already latent within our own consciousness, in our own soul, in the center of our own being.

Every man is Divine and the Christ Way is the way of the unfoldment of his Divinity through his humanity; the uncovering of his spiritual individuality and the use that his personal man, or his personality, makes of it.  Meditation is for the purpose of consciously recognizing man's Divinity and uncovering it.  In order to come into the Christ Way, into the consciousness of our own Divinity, we lay aside every fear or doubt or worry, and we enter into the silent, peaceful contemplation that the Spirit of the Living God is within us - all the Power there is, all the Presence there is, and all the Life there is, is right here.  Each one turns to himself, knowing that:

"The Spirit within me is God, that Spirit is perfect, and because that Spirit is perfect, my knowledge of that Spirit destroys every doubt, every fear, casts out all uncertainty and all unbelief, and fills me with a knowledge of my own perfection.  There is that within  me which is perfect, Divine, happy and whole and harmonious.  There is that within me that has never been afraid, never been limited, and it is this Christ Nature within me that I now recognize and speak into manifestation through my being; that the Spirit within me, which is perfect, shall remove every consciousness of disease, shall stimulate activity and recognize perfect circulation of these Divine ideas, and establish within  me, not only the knowledge of that Divine Perfection which I really am, but shall establish in my physical being, a manifestation of that knowledge of Reality, or the realization of that Presence, and whatever there might be within me, which does not belong, is now eliminated, cast out and destroyed.

"Divine Guidance IS, and that Perfect Intelligence is now governing the activity of my life into the fulfillment of joy, into the fulfillment of love, of unity, of happiness and success, now and at all times."

I Take the Christ Way to Fulfillment

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