Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 26 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"The mystical conception of Christ is an idea of the Universality of Sonship, embodied in any individual who recognizes this Sonship.  We comprehend the Infinite only to the degree that It expresses Itself through us, becoming to us that which we believe It to be.  We cannot come unto the "Father Which Art in Heaven" except through our own spiritual nature.  As the human gives way to the Divine in a person he becomes the Christ.  There is One Father of All.  This One Father, conceiving within Himself, gives birth to all the Divine ideas.  The sum-total of all these ideas constitutes the Mystic Christ.  This profound truth Jesus discovered and taught:  that whatever is true of man, of the reality of his nature, is the Divine Presence within him.  The answer to every question is within man, because man is within Spirit, and Spirit is an Indivisible Whole.  Jesus stands alone as a man who knew himself and realized his relationship to the Perfect Whole.  As the external Jesus gave way to the Divine, the human took on the Christ Spirit and became the Voice of God to humanity.  The Christ is always triumphant, is ever a victor, is never defeated, needs no champion."

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