Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Prayer of Faith (James 5:15)

"The prayer of faith is an unconditional belief in both the ability and the desire of Spirit to hear and answer.  The prayer of faith heals the sick through the law which says that whatever images of thought are held in the subjective side of mind will tend to appear in the body, or in the body of affairs.

When the prayer of faith penetrates the subjective thought and neutralizes false images, then the sick are raised into health.  Even God cannot heal the sick, unless this psychological change takes place in the inner creative thought.  All is love but all is law:  One balances the other.   Law cannot, and will not, part from its nature.

When we pray, believing, we erase false ideas from our inner thought, then the Spirit can make the gift of health.  When we admit the light, it comes in, since there is no way it could enter except through a receptive mind.

If we could give up our diseases - offer them on the altar of faith to the Giver of all life - we would be healed.  It is not easy to release our troubles; we are prone to linger with them.  But, by effectual and fervent prayer, we gradually loose false thought into its native nothingness.  God is perfect life, and when we enter His light, we are healed.

The Confession of Mistakes (James 5:16)

James tells us to confess our faults.  This thought suggests one of the great psychological truths of the inner nature.  Psychoanalysis - which is the analysis of the soul or subjective mind - is a scientific method for the erasure of false beliefs.   It is often forgiveness of sins, done in a scientific manner.

Our minds are burdened with many things.  Often our religions - which should automatically balance our mentalities - suppress them, and create morbidness on the subjective side of thought.  This happens when we feel condemned for our mistakes.  The bible tells us that God will blot out these mistakes and remember them no more against us forever.  This is complete removal and erasure of all mistakes.  How could it be different?  God is of pure eye and perfect mind; He is perfect Spirit.  When we enter this Spirit and bare our souls to Its great light, we loose our troubles and are healed.

The confession of sins, or mistakes, helps us to let go of troubles, and to feel that the Universe holds nothing against us.  Sin means making  mistakes, and while we continue to make them, we continue to perpetuate their dire results.  We should come daily to the Spirit of Goodness for a complete washing away of all mistakes, fears and troubles.

The man who feels that his mistakes can be blotted out, is in a better psychological position, than the one who thinks God will not forgive.  We should learn to let go of our mistakes and remember them no longer against ourselves.  Nothing is gained by holding to past errors.  The best thing to do is to let go of and forget them altogether.

It is scientific to consciously let go all our troubles.  It is most unwise to hold them.  Some will say that it is right that we should suffer for our past errors.  It is right that we should suffer; we already have done so and will continue to do so until we pay the last farthing.   BUT THE LAST FARTHING IS PAID WHEN WE LET GO AND TRUST IN THE LAW OF GOOD.

It is impossible for a sane person to believe that God delights in condemning or damning anyone.  God is natural Goodness and eternal Loving-kindness, and holds nothing against anyone.
We suffer so long as we make mistakes.  We are healed when we come to the Spirit for that cleansing which takes away the mistakes of the world, converting them into great lessons, ever pointing the way to Truth and beauty; to life, health, happiness and success.

It is scientific for one to consciously let go of his troubles and error, feeling that they no longer affect him.  He has learned the lesson that false ideas do not pay and is willing and glad to turn from all that hurts to the great Light.  And the Spirit, because of Its nature of Wholeness, is ever ready to take him in Its embrace and make him whole again.

Now We Are the Sons of God (I John 3:1-4)

The world does not know the son of God.  Material sense cannot recognize the spiritual.  Spiritual things must be spiritually understood.  God's love is complete in us, in that we are His sons - the sons of freedom and not of bondage.

"Now we are the sons of God."  Not in the hereafter, but in the Now, are we just what we are and what we must be - because of our true natures.  "Now are we the Sons of God."  The birth of the soul into the light of Spirit is an awakening to the realization that God has been with us all the time.  "Now are we the sons of God."  Today is the day of complete salvation, not tomorrow or the day after, but NOW.

It does not now completely appear that what we really are, for now we see only in part, but when He shall appear we shall recognize Him, for we shall see Him in His true light.  This "He" means ourselves - the Christ in us, our hope and assurance of eternal glory.  We shall be like Him.  We have inwardly been like Him all the time, but when He shall appear, we shall see Him as He is; that is, we shall know, even as we also are known - we shall know ourselves.

"We shall see him as he is."  Not as He now appears, for He is hidden in the innermost recesses of our nature.  We shall see Him with the spiritual eye that dims not; with a clear sight that penetrates all suppositional opposites and announces the ever-present Reality.  We shall see ourselves as we really are, forever held in the bosom of the Universe - the Sons of God.

Who doeth right, is right, even as He is right.  This again reveals us to ourselves.  This is the great revelation:  the revelation of the self to the self.  But before this can take place, we must have consciously come into our birthright.  We must have returned to the Father's House.  This return is a conscious act on our part.

When we do right, we are right, and when we are right, we are like Him, for then we shall see Him.  This refers to the Christ indwelling every soul.  The son of God in all His beauty and strength.

Even if our hearts condemn us, we know that the Spirit, which gave the heart, is greater than Its gift.  God is greater than all human mistakes and in God alone is there peace and happiness.  God is natural Goodness and eternal Loving-kindness.

"Who is born of love is born of God, for God is Love."  Without love, nothing can be accomplished.  With love, all things are possible.  And when we love, our prayers are answered and the gift of heaven is made.  The gift of heaven is Life and not death; Love and not hate; Peace and not confusion.

And we enter into this paradise through the gateway of love toward one another and toward God.  Love is greater than all else and covers a multitude of mistakes.  Love overcomes everything and neutralizes all that is unlike itself.  Love is God."

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