Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 3 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Colds, Influenza and Grippe

"Those who calmly announce that they are "very susceptible to changes in the weather, " have accepted whole-heartedly the mental impression that the weather is a determining factor in whether or not they experience "colds."  The trouble is not with the weather but in their thinking; they have not freed their consciousness from the old training that a "draft may produce pneumonia."  This belief causes one to be afraid and confused.  Mental conflicts also cause confusion, and confusion may cause colds.  So the first step is to erase from the conscious mind all fear of drafts.

Colds have no part in your life, as the very life of God flows freely through you.  Every breath you breathe bespeaks your eternal alliance with Life.  We should be willing to declare our disbelief in colds and help free ourselves and others from the depleting habit of "bad colds."

A conviction that the God within sustains us now and at all times, in perfect health, will bring peace.  And we should eliminate from mind the duration, symptoms, and frequency of colds, thereby removing a pattern which we no longer wish to use.  We should consciously harmonize ourselves with everything and everyone about us - with people, the weather, with God and spiritual perfection.

In colds, congestion, influenza and grippe, the thought to heal is confusion.  There should be a consciousness of poise, a recognition of peace; when this comes into the individual's experience, he will have fewer colds.  More colds result from damp spirits than from wet feet.  When we fear and resist the weather, we chill, not from the winds and rain, but from our own coldness of heart.  We should claim our dominion and power in Spirit.   Spirit is not subject to heat or cold."

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