Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 28 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Mind That Jesus Used (Phil. 2:5, 6, 13)

"We are to let the mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus.  Note carefully the manner in which the expression is used.  The mind which was in Christ Jesus.  This means the Mind of God.  Not our personal mind - marvelous as this is with its different ramifications - but the mind which Jesus used:  the Divine Mind of the Creator and Ruler of the universe.

To have the same mind that Jesus used, implies a power which is available to all and may be used by all.  The mind which was in Christ Jesus was the Mind of Truth; hence, he became the way.  But we are also to become the way, and this can be accomplished only when we use the same mind that he used, which is the Mind of God.

We have the Mind of Christ in such degree as we trust implicitly in the Universe, and no longer do those things which contradict the fundamental goodness.  From this Mind, proceeds the perfect Law, which is the Law of Liberty.

This Mind is God working in and through us.  God can work for us only by working through us.  Consequently, there is no other name under heaven whereby a man may be saved - not the name of Jesus, but the Mind of Christ.  The individual is thrown back upon himself and upon the Universe.  Every man has the Mind of Christ, if he will admit it, but he can use this Mind only when he is in harmony with Life!  Nature always guards herself against any undue approaches and the righteous alone may enter the portals of Truth.

A Pattern for Thought (Phil. 4:8, 13)

We are to think on those things which are of good report.  That is, we are to think on those things which are of the Truth.  If we do this, we can accomplish because of our own inner mind, which is Christ.  This Mind is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all they that dwell therein.

And God will supply all our needs.  This is a beautiful thought:  that we are fed from the table of the Universe, Whose board is ever spread with blessedness and peace; Whose loving-kindness has never been fathomed; Whose grace and truth are the cornerstones of Reality.  WE ARE TO BE FED, CLOTHED, AND SUPPLIED IN EVERY NEED, STRAIGHT FROM THE CENTER AND SOURCE OF ALL.  More than this, we could not ask.  Greater, could not be given.  Lowell tells us that "Heaven alone is given away," and all is ours for the asking.  Shall not this asking, then, include all righteousness and truth?

Rejoice Evermore (I Thess. 5:15-23)

We are to rejoice evermore.  There is no sadness in the Spirit.  It is happy and free, for It knows neither depression nor confusion, and we belong to It, are in and of It.  We are to rejoice evermore."

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