Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

My Thought Is in Thee

My thought is in Thee, Inner Light.

My words are from Thee, Inner Wisdom.

My understanding is of Thee, Inner God.

I cannot be hid from Thee, my inspiration and my life.

My thought is in Thee.

O Love Divine

O Love Divine within me, I am overpowered by Thy Presence.

I am speechless, for words cannot utter the things that Thou hast revealed to me.

Why dost Thou love me so, and why clasp me so close to Thy Eternal Heart?

O Blessed Presence, I know, for Thou hast claimed me as Thine own.

I shall nevermore walk apart from Thee.

The love of God is within me.

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