Friday, December 23, 2016

December 22 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"A mystic is one who intuitively perceives Truth and who without conscious mental process arrives at Spiritual Realization.  The mystics include the great prophets, the inspired writers, the illumined souls of all ages.  What we have received from them constitutes the greatest intellectual and spiritual heritage of the ages.

All the mystics have recognized the absolute unity of God and man.  Within the Infinite Mind each individual exists, not as a separated, but as a separate and distinct entity.  We are a point in Universal Consciousness, which is God.  We are not separated from Life, neither is It separated from us, but we are separate entities in It, individualized centers of God Consciousness.

True mystics have not denied the reality of individuality.  They have all agreed that the soul is on the pathway of experience, of self-discovery; on the way to its Father's House.  They have told us of the marvelous relationship which exists between God and man...of a close Union which cannot be broken.

Since we see that personality is what one does with his individuality, we should turn within, as have all the great mystics who have blessed the world with their presence - we should turn within and FIND GOD; and we should have a sense of a Real Presence when we do turn toward the One and Only Presence in the entire Universe.

One of the most illuminating truths which mysticism has revealed is that there is no ultimate reality to evil.  NO DEVIL, NO DAMNATION OUTSIDE OF ONE'S STATE OF THOUGHT, NO PUNISHMENT OUTSIDE OF THAT SELF-INFLICTED THROUGH IGNORANCE, and no salvation outside of conscious co-operation with the Infinite.  Consequently, they have taught that the answer to every problem is in man's own consciousness. 

It is one thing to say that God is unfolding through His idea of Himself, but quite another thing to say that He is gradually becoming conscious of Himself.  An "unfolding" God implies a forever-out-pouring Spirit and a forever-manifesting Deity.  Evolution is the time and the process through which an idea unfolds to a higher state of manifestation; and since ideas are Divine Realities, evolution will go on forever.  But evolution is an effect of Intelligence and not its cause.  Evolution follows involution.

All emerge from that One Whose Being is ever present and Whose Life, robed in numberless forms, is manifest throughout all Creation.  Creation is the logical result of the outpush of Life into self-expression  It is the coming forth of Spirit into manifestation.  The One encompasses and flows through All, spilling Itself into numberless forms, and personalities.  These forms and personalities, propelled by the Cosmic Urge which brings them into being, have, within themselves, an impulse planted by the Divine; and since the Divine is Limitless and Perfect, It must and ultimately will bring all creation into a state of perfect manifestation.

By Cosmic Consciousness, we mean "One's consciousness of his unity with the Whole."  This is not a mystery, however, but the Self-Knowingness of God through man.  Illumination will come as man more and more realizes his Unity with the whole, and as he constantly endeavors to let the Truth operate through him."

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