Saturday, December 31, 2016

December 31 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Final Conclusion

In conclusion, what the world needs is spiritual conviction, followed by spiritual experience.  I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered.  It is far easier to teach the Truth than it is to practice It.

But the practice of Truth is personal to each, and in the long run no one can live our life for us.  To each is given what he needs and the gifts of heaven come alike to all.  How we shall use these gifts is all that matters!  To hold one's thought steadfastly to the constructive, to that which endures, and to the Truth, may not be easy in a rapidly changing world, but to the one who makes the attempt much is guaranteed.

The essence of spiritual mind healing - and of all true religious philosophy - is an inner realization of the Presence of Perfection within and around about.  It is the hope of heaven, the Voice of God proclaiming:  "I am that which thou art; thou art that which I am."

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