Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 13 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

I Listen

I will listen for Thy voice, Inner Presence

It will guide me and acquaint me with all knowledge.

Thy voice is sweet and tender; it is always kind and gentle.

O Lover of my Soul, how I adore Thee!  How I love Thee!

How I love Thy voice; it thrills me with gladness and joy.

It fills me with peace and calm, and it soothes me.

It quiets me and gives me wonderful rest.

I listen, O Divine Speaker, I listen to Thee alone.

I listen for Thy voice.

Joy Has Come to Live with Me

Joy has come to live with me.  How can I be sad?

I do so love Thy presence, which is joy within me.

It makes me glad and I sing, for I am so filled with Thy Spirit that I cannot be depressed nor unhappy.

I am filled with the joy of the Spirit, and I overflow with the gladness of life.

Thou art a Happy Companion to travel with me through Life.

Wonderful Joy.  Thou art so radiant and beaming.

It is impossible to be sad in Thy presence.

I shall give myself to Thee and remain with Thee, for Thou art complete and satisfying.

I find fulfillment in Thee, and joy forevermore.

I am filled with the Spirit of Joy.

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